Rainbow Snippet for January 14-15 2017

Hello snippeteers. This week I’m going to feature a snippet from one of Eddy LeFey’s published works. This one is from a story called The Emperor’s Slave in the Wayward Ink Publishing anthology Men in Uniform.


Timothy remained silent. He had to say something. Everyone seemed to be waiting with bated breath. What does one call an emperor, anyway? Timothy sighed and made a decision. He was a slave. He would address him as such. He went down on his knees and spoke. “Master…”

If you like this story please look up the other stories in this anthology. In my opinion they’re quite varied, good for several different tastes.

You can find other snippets for this week at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowSnippets/

You can find my review of the other stories and where to find the anthology at

Review of Men in Uniform Anthology by Wayward Ink Press

9 thoughts on “Rainbow Snippet for January 14-15 2017

    1. authoreddylefey Post author

      In Draaduuri tradition the person offered up as a slave must give his consent to his own enslavement. There are valid and explained reasons for it, although Timothy isn’t told them until later.


    1. authoreddylefey Post author

      The emperor is the leader of the Draaduuri, an alien race who invaded earth in search of a cure. They think they found it in Timothy and in their own ancient tradition, Timothy must consent to his own enslavement, although he isn’t told why until later.



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