Rainbow Snippets for January 22, 2017

Hello Snipetteers!

Another week, another snippet. This one is an Eddy LeFey short story Through the Front Door in a Wayward Ink Publishing anthology titled Mix n’ Match:

I look into Thomas’ dark eyes. His reserve seems tempered with sadness. I can see his
lower lip quiver a little. I believe he knows that I know what this is about. It can only be one
thing. “Gary outed me. Didn’t he?”
Marisse steps closer to me, her arms outstretched. “Yes, he did. It’s not that bad,
I start to breathe more rapidly, because I realize something. I can feel a tear forming in
the corner of my eye, again. It’s been happening a lot lately. “Are there pictures?”
The idea behind the anthology is interesting: stories with relationships coming from different backgrounds, cultures or races. To see my review post of the other stories click here
To see the other snippets for this week visit: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RainbowSnippets/

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